

Cursillo is a movement of the Catholic Church to deepen your commitment to your faith and provide ways to sustain your Christian journey. It is a weekend retreat and promotes the creation of core groups of Christians that pray together and transform their environment by living the Gospel. Sally Arman

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Stewardship Weekend

We at St. James are blessed with so many opportunities to know and live our faith and develop our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. In the Narthex, you will see tables with signs and sign-up sheets for all the opportunities for ministry and growing in knowledge of our faith and deeper in prayer.

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Labor Day

A three day weekend! A blessing to us all! Entering fall and celebrating the end of summer, we are greeted with this three day weekend in which we get a day off from work to celebrate our labor! To work is good. There is a nobility and sanctifying aspect of work. Man needs to work,

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Fall Begins!

Well, here we are at the end of August, the end of summer! College football began this weekend. Therefore, it is fall! We will also be ramping up our Adult Religious Education Opportunities and our Parish Religious Education Program. Bible Studies and gatherings of the CCW and Men’s Club will begin. The schedule at the

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St. Monica (332-387 AD)

On Friday this week, August 27th, we celebrate the feast of St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine. She was a Christian and prayed for years and years that her husband, Patricius, and her son, Augustine, would accept the truths of Christianity and live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Both her husband and her son

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Welcome Back to School!

Last week and this coming week our students are heading back into the classroom for another school year! This year will be the 65th year that our School and Parish have been forming our youth and assisting our parents in their vocation of passing on the faith to the next generation! What a beautiful apostolate

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