Catholicism 101
For handouts for any of the sessions, please contact Sr. Emily Vincent at 912-355-1523 or

Catholicism 101: Discussion #4: Creation, Angels/Demons, Evil & Suffering

Catholicism 101: Discussion #3: Faith & Reason - Catholicism & Science

Catholicism 101: Dicusssion #2: Sacred Scripture & How Catholics Read It

Catholicism 101: Discussion #1 - The Purpose of Man, the Desire for God, Revelation of God's Truths

Catholicism 101 Part 3 Session 2 Virtue Sin and Human Society

Catholicism 101 Part 3 Session 1 Man's Vocation and Freedom

Catholicism 101 Part 2 Session 6 Anointing of the Sick and Holy Orders

Catholicism 101 Part 2 Session 5 Holy Matrimony

Catholicism 101 - Part 2 - Session 4 - Sacrament of Penance

Catholicism 101: Part II - Discussion #3: Sacrament of the Eucharist

Catholicism 101: Part II - Discussion #2: Baptism and Confirmation

Catholicism 101: Part II - Discussion #1: Celebrating the Mystery

Catholicism 101: Discussion #5: I believe in Jesus Christ

Catholicism 101: Discussion #6: The Holy Spirit, the Church, the Saints, the Forgiveness of Sins

Catholicism 101 Part 3 Session 3 Law and Grace and the Church