This question is a part of each of our lives. King David asks this when he recognizes the gifts the Lord has given him – life, love, faith, family, friends, hope, wisdom, etc. Each of us have received such an abundance, an overabundance of blessings from the Lord. “Every worthwhile gift, every genuine benefit comes from above.” (James 1:17) How shall we repay Him for all he has done for us?
My brothers and sisters, the answer to this is Stewardship.
It is a response of love to His generosity. Our response of generous love finds itself in so many different ways. In our parish of St. James, we group our ministries and opportunities for stewardship into five clusters:
Within these clusters, you can find so many different and varied ways to express your generous response to God’s love for you!
Thank you for all that each of you do in the parish, and I encourage everyone to get involved. We give back to the Lord because he has blessed us with all we have, all we are! Our return to the Lord is generous love – it is our time, our talent, and our treasure.
May Jesus bless you for your response to His love for you!
~ Fr. Daniel Firmin, Pastor
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