Parish Life

Each one of you has received a special grace; so, like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourselves at the service of others. [1 Peter 4:10]

Cluster Leader: Margie Hotard

The focus of the Parish Life Cluster is to follow the direction given to us in the first letter of St. Peter: stewardship through service to others.


Bereavement Hospitality

The Bereavement Committee offers support and comfort upon the loss of a loved one. Based on the desires of the family, bereavement members assist in handling various tasks associated with the preparation of a reception at the conclusion of the Mass of Christian Burial either at home or at St. James. **Also, volunteers are needed to be available for a call list for donation of paper goods or food.

Mary Speir

Bereavement Support

This group offers assistance to people who have lost a loved one and are in the grieving process. There are many resources available to those who are grieving, and there is always someone from the Bereavement Group available to speak with in a quiet setting.

Deacon Lou Santore
Meets: 2nd Sunday of the month

Card Ministry

Volunteers send Mass cards on the first month and first year anniversary of the deceased. Also, volunteers send invitations to the widows/widowers and a guest for the Parish Thanksgiving and International dinners. Monthly handwritten notes are sent to parishioners in nursing homes.

Beverly Fochtman

Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

St. James CCW is open to all women of the parish. In affiliation with our Deanery, Diocesan, and National CCW organizations, we support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. These are evident in our activities such as First Friday mass and fellowship, Helping Hands, bimonthly sandwiches for Social Apostolate, weekly hour of Adoration, birthday cakes for the Inner City Night Shelter, guest speakers, Christmas boxes for international children, making comfort shawls/lap robes, and fund raising to support our parish and various religious and community organizations. We meet every first Monday of the month with refreshments.

Savannah Diocesan CCW | National CCW

Margie Hotard
Meets: First Monday of each month at 6:30 P in Mercy Conference Room


Cursillo is a movement of the Catholic Church to deepen your commitment to your faith and provide ways to sustain your Christian journey. It is a weekend retreat and promotes the creation of core groups of Christians that pray together and transform their environment by living the Gospel.

Sally Arman

Girl Scouts

The purpose of Girl Scouting is to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service so they may become successful women and resourceful citizens. Our scouts offer volunteer services to the school and community. Our Brownie Troop 300, Junior Troop 155, and Cadet Troop 476 offer a nurturing environment, promote ethical values and teach young girls to become women and be prepared for life.

Tina Blackston

Homebound Ministry

Volunteers are needed to deliver monthly meals and/or goody bags to the homebound parishioners of our parish. On the second Wednesday of each month, this ministry delivers dinners to parishioners who are unable to attend the monthly dinners. On special holidays and throughout the summer, volunteers deliver goody bags.

Bonnie MacAulay

Knights of Columbus, Council 5588

Michael Lyons

Men’s Club

All men of the parish who are 18 years and older are invited to join this ministry that provides for the parish, school and greater community through many service and fellowship activities.

Parish Life

The Parish Life committee assists in providing activities that promote spiritual growth, service and hospitality to our parishioners. Volunteers are needed for various parish events.

Nan Keck

Pastoral Care

Our parish priests along with the pastoral care committee visit parishioners who are ill or shut in and offer them friendliness and compassion. Of major spiritual importance is the privilege of bringing the Holy Eucharist to those who are unable to attend Mass. A special note: if you or a loved one is hospitalized, hospitals no longer give out patient names. It is up to a family member to notify the church office and give the information needed in order to see the patient.

Contact Church Office

Respect Life

The purpose of the Respect Life committee is to encourage and activate pro-life activities among and within our parish, and represent St. James in diocesan activities. This is done through individual prayer, our pro-life holy hour each Tuesday at 5:00 P, and keeping parishioners informed of other programs and organizations such as Birthright, Project Rachel, and Priests for Life. In Savannah, prayer vigils are held at 120 East 34th Street each Thursday morning from 9:00 A – 10:30 A. Please join in praying for unborn children.

Upcoming Retreats

Ministry Cluster 4: Parish Life

Thank you for your interest in our parish life ministries. We welcome whatever time you can give, wherever you would like to help. If your area of interest or expertise isn't listed below, we invite you to contact us so we can help put your ideas into action!

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