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The Southern Cross
Thank you to all who sent me texts or emails or spoke to me about the front page of The Southern Cross in the last issue. I appreciate your candor and I am glad you feel comfortable in sharing your thoughts with me. I share your anger and frustration. Publishing that picture and article was […]
Elections and Sanctity
Tuesday is Election Day. The candidates for the Presidency and other Congressional seats both local and federal have bombarded us with ads, debates, and policies. I cannot think of another election year that has been so contentious and at times rancorous. The division and discord in our country is palpable. Honestly, it is exhausting. I […]
Atlanta Braves!
October baseball is magnificent! At the time I am writing this, the Atlanta Braves are up 1-0 in the National League Championship Series having scored 4 runs in the 9th inning against the Los Angeles Dodgers! By the time you read this, you will perhaps know the outcome of that 7 game series. Game 1 […]
St. Teresa of Avila
One of the great reformers in the history of the Church is St. Teresa of Avila. On Thursday, October 15th, we celebrate her feast day! The 16th century was tumultuous in the Church. Luther, Calvin, Henry VIII, and others fractured the Church and severed ties with their brothers and sisters in faith. The Church was […]
Pro-Life Dinner
Last night, we had an amazing 3rd Annual Pro-Life Dinner! This year, we focused on the reality of Human Trafficking in our world and in our community of Savannah-Chatham County. The evil of slavery still abounds today. Tragically, lives are destroyed and damaged. Jose Gonzalez, President of Savanah Working Against Human Trafficking (SWAHT), came to […]
Creating a Healthy and Safe Environment
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned here that we have installed and will be installing air and surface purification systems from American Ion in every building on our St. James campus. Consummatum est! It is finished! Now, we can boast of the cleanest air and surfaces in all of Savannah! Thank you, American Ion, […]
Creating a Healthy and Safe Environment
COVID-19, like the other corona viruses, are here to stay. We must learn how to live with it, thrive in spite of it, and determine that it doesn’t rule our lives. One of the results of confronting this virus is the greater emphasis on cleaner air and surfaces in which we live, work, learn, and […]
Three Years!
It is difficult to believe that I have already been at St. James as pastor for 3 years! Time flies when you are having fun, when you are right where the Lord Jesus wants you, when you are ministering to the people entrusted to your care! There have been so many blessings and graces! Coming […]
Welcome Back!
Tomorrow will be the first day of the new school year! The church campus will once again teem with life as the parents begin dropping off their children for the school day and the laughter and voices of the children fill the halls and the fields with joy! Each year St. James comes back to […]
Schedule Resumes!
Beginning this week our Mass and Confession schedule will be as follows: Daily Mass Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM Wednesday: 5:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM Sunday Mass 5:00 PM (Saturday Vigil) (overflow live stream available in the gym) 7:30 AM 9:00 AM (overflow live stream available in the gym) 11:30 AM (overflow […]