
The Lord’s Supper is its center, for there the whole community of the faithful encounters the risen Lord who invites them to His banquet. [CCC 1166]

Cluster Leader: Alvin McGrath

The goal of Worship is to help create a prayerful community from the time a parishioner enters our Church, through his or her departure after the recessional hymn. All play a part in the liturgical celebration, each in his or her own way.


Altar Servers

Altar servers are needed to take an active part in the Divine Worship within the Holy Sanctuary, assist the priests and tend to the altar. They are selected for their goodness, faithfulness and dependability. Adult volunteers are needed to assist with the Altar Server preparation classes.

Michelle Tate

Divine Mercy Group

All are invited to learn the message of Divine Mercy. Volunteers spread this message though prayer services, programs, and publicity. Activities include the "Mercy Me!" sign-up weekend focusing on ways to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy, the Divine Mercy Novena beginning on Good Friday, and the Divine Mercy Sunday Service and reception.

Lenora Everett

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers have the very special privilege of reverently distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to their fellow parishioners at Mass. Ministers receive their schedules every other month and are personally responsible to arrange for a replacement if unable to assist at Mass. Parishioners interested in this ministry are asked to discuss their interest with our pastor.

Valerie McGrath

Flower Guild

The mission of the St. James Flower Guild is to honor and praise God through the art of flower/flowering plant arrangements throughout the liturgical year, and especially during the High Holy Days.

Karen Dills


Lectors proclaim the Holy Word by reading the Church’s selections from the Bible at weekday, Sunday and Holy Day Masses, and other celebrations during the year. They serve God by communicating his words to the parish community. Schedules are prepared on a three-month cycle. Parishioners interested in this ministry are asked to discuss their interest with our pastor.

Susan Dischner Moore

Liturgical Altar Linen Care

Volunteers of Altar Linen Care maintain and care for the sacred linens used during liturgical services. Each person is responsible for taking care of the linens one month of the year.

Bonnie MacAulay

Livestream Ministry

Volunteers bring Mass to the sick and homebound members of our parish, by livestreaming Masses on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, and special holidays.

Stephen Hotard

Music Ministry

Working with our music director and organist, Charlie, the Music Ministry provides spirit-filled music with a goal of leading the congregation in praise and worship of the Lord during the celebration of the liturgy. The Adult Choir members are needed to work with the Music Director to lead the congregation in praise and worship of the Lord during celebration of the Liturgy. The adult choir provides music at the 9am Mass and throughout the liturgical year.

Charles Ancheta

Perpetual Adoration Chapel

The Lumen Christi Adoration Chapel belongs to the Deanery of Savannah. All Catholics and members of other faiths are invited to participate in this important opportunity to deepen our community’s prayer life. Would you be willing to spend just one hour in prayer with Jesus each week? Please consider taking advantage of this privilege of watching and praying with your Lord and Savior in this special way.


Rosary Groups

Daily Rosary Group: Pray the Rosary with fellow parishioners. The First Saturdays of the month, this group holds a special devotional prayer to Our Lady of Fatima.

Liz Nazareth
Meets: Weekdays at 9:00 A in the Cry Room, Saturdays at 8:30 A in the Church

Youth Rosary Group: During the school year, the youth meet to pray the Rosary together

Biddy Whelan
Meets: Thursdays at 3:00 P in the Narthex


The Sacristan coordinates care of priestly vestments, church appointments, candles, chalices, holy water, and maintains supplies of wine and hosts for liturgical celebration.

Patty Odom


Ushers assist in providing a welcoming presence to parishioners and visitors as they enter church. Volunteers are needed for the Saturday 5:00 P Mass and Sunday Masses at 7:30 A, 9:00 A and 11:30 A.

Alvin McGrath

Ministry Cluster 3: Worship

Thank you for your interest in our worship ministries. We welcome whatever time you can give, wherever you would like to help. If your area of interest or expertise isn't listed below, we invite you to contact us so we can help put your ideas into action!

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